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[100] nine pieces of cake 흠..또 밀렸군.. 4월 5일은 공부했슴니다 다만 블로그를 안 썼을 뿐..밀린거쓰긔... 오랜만에 필리피나 친구한테 연락와서, 맨날 쓰는 표현보단 좀 더 자연스러운 대화를 하고자 공부함. 목적이 명확한 영어공부 오랜만이라 재밌었다. 1. I applied for an internship at Cake. I met this man, he told about this internship with the Chicago Fire. But then I found out that interns could dress up as a mascot. I applied to the internship. And I, and I received the internship. I went to Chicago for the summ.. 더보기
[100] eight pieces of cake (중간에 이틀 빼먹었지만) 8일차! 사진 넣는 거 까먹지 말아야지(라고 쓰고 까먹어서 수정함) 1. He's all talk. 'Now he wants to win a world title? Hell no! He's all talk. He's all hype, he's a joke.' Laughter all around at the joker. Then the joker goes and wins the world title. Then he wants to win the second world title. More laughter. Listen, I've, I don't know, the sound of laughter, and the sound of doubt motivates me. be all tal.. 더보기
[100] seven pieces of cake 오늘의 영어공부 1. It's important to dress up for your first day at work If you have now gotten the job, it's really important to dress up for your first at work because it makes a great lasting impression for your collegues at work, for your boss, and if they think you're overdressed, they will let you know, but it never hurts to be overdressed the first day. dress up: 옷을 갖춰 입다, 차려 입다 lasting: 지속되는 im.. 더보기
[100] six pieces of cake 1. I will give you whatever you want. "Oh. Now what will I do? I have lost my golden ball forever!" She said. "What's the matter, Princess? Why are you crying?" The Frog asked. "I'm crying because my golden ball fell into the pond." She answered. "Do not cry. I can help you." Said the Frog. 'How can this agly frog help me?' The Princess wondered. The ugly Frog paused. "Hmm. What will you give me.. 더보기
[100] five pieces of cake 오늘 두 번 쓰려고 했는데(밀린 일기 쓰기) 두 번은 못했고 만우절 특집~ 1. I got you! A: Whoa, you got me! B: I got you, son! A: You got me with my, you did my thing. You brought it back around on me. get에는 '속아 넘어가게 하다' 라는 뜻이 있음. 속았지? 2. Nice try! A: Okay, that was not real. Nice try! --- B: Okay, the prank is all set up. The $100 bill is on the floor with a set up. We're going to see who falls for it. prank: a practical jok.. 더보기