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YM/time for cake

[100] six pieces of cake

1. I will give you whatever you want.

"Oh. Now what will I do? I have lost my golden ball forever!" She said. "What's the matter, Princess? Why are you crying?" The Frog asked. "I'm crying because my golden ball fell into the pond." She answered. "Do not cry. I can help you." Said the Frog. 'How can this agly frog help me?' The Princess wondered. The ugly Frog paused. "Hmm. What will you give me for finding your golden ball?" He asked. "I will give you whatever you want, dear Frog." The Princess promised. "I will give you my jewels. I will even give you the golden crown I am wearing."


워낙 유명한 동화라서 딱히 쓸 게 없네. 맨 첫 문장의 Now that will I do?가 좀 생소했다. What can I do now 정도를 생각했는데.

좀 이상하다고 생각했는데 다시 들어보니 내가 잘못 썼다.


원하는 건 뭐든지 줄게요.


2. Just be sure to wash your hands for 20 seconds

Hand sanitizer works too, because it's mostly alcohol. And alcohol works in a somewhat similar way to soap, breaking down that fatty layer. You need a high concentration of alcohol to make that work. The CDC recommends hand sanitizers with at least 60% alcohol. But even with 60% alcohol, the CDC recommends using soap if you can. If your hands are sweaty or dirty when you use the sanitizer, that can dilute it and diminish it's effectiveness. As for soap, just any old soap works. You don't need soap marketed as anti-bacterial, even. The FDA says "Skip it, there's no proof it's any more effective." Just be sure to wash your hands, for 20 seconds. That's "Happy Birthday" twice, "Happy birthday dear...I guess me," or chorus to Lizzo's "Truth Hurts", or Prince "Raspberry Beret", or Eminem, "go, go, only..." Or even Dolly. Just as long as it's 20 seconds, and you're using the ultimate virus annihilator. Soap.


concentration: 응축

CDC: Center for Disease Control and prevention. 질병관리센터

delute: 희석하다

effectiveness: 효과

antibacterial: 항균성의

FDA: United States Food and Drug Administration. 미국식품의약관리국

proof: 증거

annihilator: 박멸제

annihilate: 소멸시키다, 박멸시키다.




생소하고 알아두면 좋을 것 같은 단어가 많아서 좀 길게 가져옴. 

원본 영상: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LKVUarhtvE&t=29s

Vox: How soap kills the coronavirus

cake: https://mycake.me/sentences/9d51cea49f?utm_source=share&lang=ko&pid=Player&c=16954&lang=ko


"20초 동안 손을 잘 씻어주세요." 영어로?

달콤한 무료 영어 Cake



3. Random!

Interviewer: Is Margot Robbie in 'Transformers'?

Margot: Random! Do I look like someone in Transformers, maybe?

Interviewer: Maybe they just want you to be in Transformers.

Margot: Maybe.

Interviewer: Maybe you should be a Transformer.(아니면 네가 트랜스포머로 출연해 봐.)

Margot: Oh, I could've played that.(오, 할 수 있었을 텐데.)


제안인데 you should를 사용한 게 처음 보는 용법이고(have to의 용법이 아니라 shall의 과거형처럼 쓰인 건가 싶다.)

그 다음에 오는 could have+p.p는 가정법 과거인가 대과거인가 아무튼. 대과거면 had던가.


뜬금 없네!


4. Let's pretend it's 1675.

A: Let's pretend it's 1675. That's the year this house dates to. How would you have enjoyed living in here?

B: Well, look at the size of this behemoth. I think I would have...Would've enjoyed the size, that's for sure.

A: It's massive.

B: It would have been great for entertaining.


pretend: ~라고 가정하다, 상상하다

behemoth: 거대한 짐승, 거대한 조직

entertain: 손님을 접대하다


지금이 1675년이라고 가정해 봅시다.


5. Brush off

Luke: Hey George! What's up? You look really down.

George: Yeah, I'm having a bad day.

Luke: Why's that?

George: I just received a really poor performance review from my manager.

Luke: Ah sorry to hear that. But, don't worry too much, just brush it off and try to do better next time.

George: Yeah, you're right. I need to get better at brushing things off.


To brush off something means to ignore something negative or not let something bother you too much.  Try to use it the next time something bad or negative happens to you.


스피크>루크쌤의 Quick English> 1. "Brush off"의 뜻은?


털어버려, 라는 뜻으로 생각하면 됨.


6. 분위기 파악 좀 해.

Victor: Hey, stop laughing and focus. We're in the middle of an important meeting.

Sally: My friend just sent this hilarious text. Want to see?

Victor: Get with the program.


get with the program: 해야 할 일에 집중하다


스피크>할 말 하는 영어> 2. "분위기 파악 좀 해"는 영어로?


이거 사실 어제 공부한 거라 오늘은 또 써야 됨.

'YM > time for cake' 카테고리의 다른 글

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