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YM/time for cake

[100] five pieces of cake

오늘 두 번 쓰려고 했는데(밀린 일기 쓰기) 두 번은 못했고

만우절 특집~


1. I got you!

A: Whoa, you got me!

B: I got you, son!

A: You got me with my, you did my thing. You brought it back around on me.


get에는 '속아 넘어가게 하다' 라는 뜻이 있음.




2. Nice try!

A: Okay, that was not real. Nice try!


B: Okay, the prank is all set up. The $100 bill is on the floor with a set up. We're going to see who falls for it.


prank: a practical joke or mischievous act

set up: 준비된, 설치된

fall for: 속아넘어가다, 사기당하다


좋은 시도였어. (안 속아)


3. I don't buy it.

A: I want you to choose me, instead of him.

B: I thought you understood. I don't feel that way for you. (나는 너에게 그런 감정을 느끼지 않아.)

A: I don't buy it.

B: What don't you buy? That's how I feel.


buy: (비격식)믿다

한국어에도 '아 안사요' 이런 표현 있는데 비슷한 말을 비슷한 쓰임으로 쓰는 것 같다. 재밌군.

벨라라는 거 보면 아마도 트와일라잇 시리즈인 듯.. 여자 하나 놓고 남자 둘이서 어쩌구 한다는..

그 둘 중 하나가 차이는 순간인가 보다.


난 그 말 안 믿어.


4. It's April Fools'!

Father: Alright, good morning you guys. Guess what?

Kids: What?

Father: We got a special breakfast treat for you this morning. We know that you guys love...

Kids: Donuts?!/ What? What.

Kids: It's April Fools'!/ Yep, I knew.


Guess what? 은 그거 알아? 라고 설명되었다.

treat: 간식, 군것질거리

'YM > time for cake' 카테고리의 다른 글

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