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YM/time for cake

[100] eleven pieces of cake

어제는 못했고 엊그제 공부한 거라도 간단하게 정리.  …하려고 했는데 뭘 되게 많이 했네..?

1. I would be tickled pink.
A: Miss Cruz, I would be tickled pink to have you race for team Dinoco.
    As you know, we have a long history of great racers.


be ticked pink: 굉장히 기뻐하다.


무척 기쁠 거예요.


2. We haven't changed a bit.

A: There we are! We haven't changed a bit.

B: No, not.


우리 하나도 안 변했네요.



"저희 하나도 안 변했어요." 영어로?

달콤한 무료 영어 Cake



3. You haven't lost your touch.

Just inches away and eye to eye, I think it's safe to say I successfully fooled Maria. Time to let her in on the big secret.

Gordon: Ma'am? You forgot the chicken oysters.

Maria: Oh yeah, we save them though and we use the chickens, all of the bones we use here.

Finally, the moment of truth.

Gordon: Ma'am. Gordon Ramsay would never forget the oysters.

Maria: Yeah.

Gordon: Maria. How are you darling? Good to see you, love.

    You haven't lost your touch.


eye to eye: 눈이 마주치는, 가까운

chicken oyster: 닭 엉치살


무슨 언더커버 보스 같은 프로그램인듯.

oyster래서 치킨 굴..? 했는데 닭 엉치뼈가 굴 껍질 비슷한 모양이라 그렇게 말하나보다(추측)



솜씨 여전하네.



4. Beautiful as always.


늘 그렇듯이 아름답군.



5. It's all thanks to you.

Angela: I'm so excited! I can perform again! And it's all thanks to you, Tom.


다 네 덕분이야.



"다 네 덕분이야." 영어로?

달콤한 무료 영어 Cake



6. You're a lifesaver.

Hey mate, it's me. I am stuck in the worst traffic. Is there any way you can help me get to work? Um..yeah, I could..I could probably fit you all in, sure. Oh, thanks man. You're a lifesaver.


stuck in traffic: 차가 막히다


덕분에 살았어.



"네 덕분에 살았어." 영어로?

달콤한 무료 영어 Cake



7. I owe it to you.

Thank you, for all of you guys who came along the way. But I'm just getting started. My goal this year is to cherish everything you guys have given to me. And I will give it back to you guys. However I can. Because I owe it to you guys.


중간에 However I can은 어떻게 해서든지요 라고 설명되어 있는데 어떻게 그렇게 되는건지 모르겠다. 내일 알아봐야지.


'덕분에'에 관련된 표현 쭉 봤더니 복습이 토하게 많군..스피크도 했는데 그거까진 정리못하겠어요....

일단 자고 일어나서 보강하거나 해야지.

'YM > time for cake' 카테고리의 다른 글

[100] twelve pieces of cake  (0) 2020.04.21
[100] ten pieces of cake  (0) 2020.04.07
[100] nine pieces of cake  (0) 2020.04.07
[100] eight pieces of cake  (0) 2020.04.04
[100] seven pieces of cake  (0) 2020.04.03