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YM/time for cake

[100] three pieces of cake


여기까진 그럭저럭 시간이 잘 간다.


작심삼일의 그 3일입니다. 근데 난 항상 3일은 잘 넘기더라.


1. Can anyone relate to that?

And I confess this is how I felt many times during my first year of the GSB(Graduate School of Business). As I started what was supposed to be the two best years of my life, I wondered why I didn't feel as confident and as happy as many of you seem to be. Can anyone relate to that?


confess: 고백하다

relate to: ~에 공감하다


공감하시는 분 있나요? 라는 뜻.


2. Can anyone help us?

Good people of Moscow. The prince has been kidnapped. But I know who has stolen our tsar. For she left this iron teeth behind. Yes, Baba Yaga. Can anyone help us?


우리를 도와줄 사람?


바톡 (Bartok the Magnificient)이라는 영화의 한 장면. 디즈니?


3. Can anyone really live up to that?

Being yourself, I think, takes courge and gives the other persons permission to be themselves too.

(제 생각에, 자기 스스로가 되는 것은 용기가 필요하고 다른 사람들도 그들 자신이 될 수 있도록 해주는 것 같아요.)

I sort of feel for that generation of girl and women.

(그 세대의 소녀들, 여성들과 뭐랄까, 공감하는 것 같아요)

이 부분은 처음에 무슨 뜻인지 한참 들었어서 따로 해석 씀

There's so much, whether it's, the perfect body, perfect relationship, get the perfect career, have four kids, and cook a dinner, and just have amazing friends. And look, it's all on my iPhone. You can see how wonderful I am. It's like, actually, it.. Can anyone really live up to that? I know I can't.


sort of 는 kind of 처럼 쓰이는 것 같다. 한국어의 `~하는 종류의 뭐뭐` 같은 느낌으로.

permission을 쓰는 방식이 재밌었다.


feel for: ~와 공감하다.

live up to something: ~에 부응하다


누가 그런 삶에 정말로 부응할 수 있을까요?


4. Can anyone guess what it is?

Can anyone guess what it is? Thank you, it's eye contact! This was the number one way, that people could understand someone was flirting with them, and, the difference between friendly and flirting.


이게 뭔지 짐작 가는 사람 있나요?


5. Can anyone hear me?


Can you hear me? Can anyone hear me? I think there's a microphone on this thing. It's the perfect vlogging camera.


누구 내 말 들리나요?


6. Can anyone handle that?

Whether it'a jalapeno, a serrano, or even the infamous ghost pepper, we all have a heat threshold or a level of spiciness that we can tolerate. But can anyone handle the Carolina Reaper?


infamous: 악명 높은


감당할 수 있는 사람이 있을까요?


7. I'm getting the shivers.

Ugh.. I'm like really cold, and I'm getting the shivers. I just don't like stuff like this. I mean, I live for it. But at the same time, I don't like it.


live for: ~를 위해 살다


소름 돋아요.


여기서 `I live for it` 은 엄청 좋아한다 뭐 그런 뜻으로 쓰인 듯.


8. My heart's racing.

Yeah, kinda like... It, it startled me more than anything, but I could definitely feel it. My heart's racing.


startle: 깜짝 놀라게 하다


심장이 빨리 뛰네요.


처음엔 My hearts are racing. 이라고 들어서 음.. 우심방 좌심방 우심실 좌심실 네 쪽이라서 복수형인가 뭐 그런 생각 했는데 그냥 잘못 들음.


9. I'm terrified.

A: Does that make you nervous?

B: I'm terrified.

A: Why?

B: 'Cause I'm competitive and if we don't win...

A: It's not a competition.




B는 한국인이 아닐까..(농담) 굳이 찾아보진 않겠슴니다.


10. My legs are shaking.

A: Is this fun at all for you? (이게 너한테는 조금이라도 즐겁니?)

B: Yeah, it's just...

A: It's my nightmare.

B: My legs are shaking.


at all: 조금이라도


다리가 후들거려요.


not at all은 완전 아니. 뭐 그런 뜻인데 fun at all 은 조금이라도 즐겁니? 라는 뜻이라 이게 더 신기했음. 해석을 안 봤으면 넌 이게 완전 재밌냐? 라고 생각했을 것 같다.


11. Don't worry, I can take a hint.


Amy: We're sorry, Rajesh.

Bernadette: Maybe we can do it next week.

Howard : Whoa, whoa, we're not that sorry. 

Raj: Don't worry, I can take a hint. No more murder mystery parties.

A: Thank you. Hallelujah.

Raj: Because I've got something even better planned!


걱정 마, 나 눈치는 있어.


처음으로 등장인물이 전부 누군지 아는 클립이 나왔다(ㅋㅋㅋ) 안 본 내용이긴 하지만.


오늘 왜 이렇게 많이 봤지..? 여기까지만 정리해야겠다..

'YM > time for cake' 카테고리의 다른 글

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